


CAS No.: 497-18-7


It is mainly used as a boiler water treatment oxygen scavenger raw material, but can also be used as a preservative for refinery equip-ment. As a chemical raw material and chemical intermediate, it can also be  used  in  medicine, herbicides, plant growth regulators, dyes and other industries.

Test Items Technical Index
Appearance White Needle Crystal
Melting Point (℃) 150 - 158
Content (%) ≥ 99.0
PH 7.2 - 9.7
Free Hydrazine Content (ppm) ≤ 500;≤ 250
Sulfate Content (ppm) ≤ 20
Loss on Drying (%) ≤ 0.2


25kg Fiber Drum, 25kg Paper Bag, 500kg Big Bag.

Remarks: We can undertake carbohydrazide solution according to clients'demand (8%-12%).

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